Buds Room

‘Buds′ – looks after children from 24months to 3 years of age.

The Room & Activities






In Buds, the children have access between the play room and art room where they have arrange of structured activities as well as free play with many other resources, encouraging independence of choice.

Areas & activities of the buds play room & art room include;

  • Home corner & dressing up
  • Small world play & construction
  • Snuggle & story corner.
  • Mark making area & ICT equipment.
  • Messy & heuristic play
  • Play dough area
  • Sand & water play
  • Craft & Art Activities
  • Cooking Activities
  • Key Person time & small group activities

Outside we provide many of these activities as well large scale construction, ride of trikes, climbing frames and balance opportunities. Activities with the parachute

and soft play are also available. We also go for many walks down the farm track or to the parks in eye with parent permission.











Day to day the routine of the room usually runs as;

7.45am-9am: Welcoming children & free play.

9am-12pm: Free flow between play room/art room & outside as well as Key Person time. Rolling snack begins at 10am. Nappies are changed throughout the morning with children sitting down for calendar & large group time just before lunch.

12pm-1pm: Lunch time.

1pm- 4.15pm: Nap time, free play in all areas as well as structured craft & messy play activities. Rolling snack begins at 2pm.

4.15pm: Tea time

4.45pm-6pm: Free play & home time.

The children are able to have a sleep, whenever needed to suit their routine during the day. The Buds room has two sleep rooms attached with cots, or the option of a travel cot. Children are able to bring their comforters in to make them feel more at ease.

We work closely with parents and carers to ensure that the child’s needs are well addressed and to make the child’s nursery day as happy as possible.